Ouroboros is Laughing.
Did you see that little man being dragged out from the Ecuadorian embassy in London yesterday? It was haunting footage, a scared bearded man, screaming for his life. Welcome to fascism, ladies and germs — nothing new, as this is happening everywhere, all the time. The reason why people are reacting so strongly now is because he’s white, but that’s less important in this story.
First let’s get one thing straight: Julian Assange means nothing to me. I’m a fan of WikiLeaks — to fuck with government is always good, and there will always be victims (just like the #metoo thing, of course innocent men will be accused also, that’s the order of nature, of society — some must be sacrificed for the greater “good”, it’s impossible to move forward and evolve without it), but Assange… I don’t know, he’s just an adult who have made his own choices in life, and he decided to hide in what must already from the beginning have been a self-made trap. WikiLeaks will continue their work and soon Assange will be forgotten. Did you know that the sex crime charges against Assange was dropped two years ago? He still continued to whine about that, even if he had no risk whatsoever to be arrested for it or end up in Swedish prison (which never would have happened anyway, trust me!)
He’s not alone, Chelsea Manning is in danger also, but because she’s a trans person she will never get the same attention. It’s a world of heterosexual, white men; a fact not even most decent heterosexual white men dare to admit, because it would in one way or another remove their own power, disguised as the “good guy” persona.
After watching the video of Assange yesterday and see Twitter blow up in a multitude of opinionated fractals, all claiming to tell the truth, I wrote a poem. That was the only way I could deal with the massive amount of information coming towards me like a tsunami.
No one’s guilty.
neither innocent.
Everything happens
as response
to something
that’s a response
to something
Ouroboros might
have his mouth full,
but can’t you see
he’s laughing at us?
Can’t you see
that wide grin?
Can’t you see
the eternity in
front of
We all have responsibility for our actions, no matter how unfair the end result can be, and when we do something we must be aware what can happen — and I’m sure at least Manning was very aware of the danger she put herself in. Assange; I’m not so sure about that. Ego can be a dangerous thing when you let go of control, when you let it slip away into naive fantasies about being a hero. There is a part of Assange that is a hero, but if he didn’t know what he getting himself into I’m not so sure I have especially much respect for him, and as he also turned into a blamethrower — especially towards people in a lesser power situation than him, he also gave up the part as a hero, a spokesperson for free speech. It’s like when Lech Wałęsa, the Polish freedom hero turned out to be a conservative homophobe, Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi ended up being yet another fascist marionette and Swedish police chief Göran Lindberg, famous for his work against crimes against women was revealed to be a serial rapist.
When former “heroes” turn out to be cowards everything they’ve done means nothing.
There’s a reason why Assange is arrested, he did something someone else didn’t like. And he did what he did because he didn’t like what they did, and they did something towards someone else because they did something they didn’t like… and so on. It’s an eternity of misdeeds, crimes, opinions, actions, decisions leading up to every drama out there. It will never end, it will never be fair. Governments will continue to wave flags and commit atrocities in the name of their chosen god, and others will do the same towards them, and in-between there will be those who’s just trying to survive.
Ouroboros the snake is laughing his ass off, I’m sure of that.