That Elusive Sixth Sense.
Humans have five basic senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Some say that the sixth sense is the extrasensory perception, for example being able see dead people – to reference a certain huge mainstream hit from years ago. Personally I’ve always had huge difficulties to fit ghosts, spirits and other kind of supernatural entities into my worldview and that’s why I see this alleged sixth sense as something more fun and fascinating than reality.
Now, senses are when you can feel something from an external source: you can see things, touch a cuddly cat, hear annoying church bells (a primitive form of mind control if you as me, that noise), smell an eggy fart and taste the spicy sweetness of chili chocolate. But you can also sense in what mood someone else is, and I guess you can call that extrasensory perception – but what is that extrasensory force?
I believe it’s emotion, and that emotion itself is a sense among the others. I can only look at myself, as usual. If I’m happy or sad or angry or whatever I project that emotion towards other and I can affect them with my mood. But I can also, with the help of my emotion, sense how someone else feel. If I project happiness towards someone it will either be merged with that person or bounce back, creating a response from my emotion. If I’m in an elevated emotional state, no matter which one, it’s easy for me to read someone else.
Positive/negative thinking belongs in the emotional state, and by working on those those thoughts in either way I can shape what’s coming at me. I can shape my existence through emotions just like I can bend something by touching it, notice something important by seeing it, sense an off-flavor by tasting and so on. Through those senses I also affects the outcome. We’re like bats, but instead of those radio waves reading our physical surrounding the emotion reads the psychological states of those around us.
Behind that consciousness and ego is the self, and the self is pure but attracts energy, so that core of self goes through a prism of experiences and creates emotions radiating out in the directions we need – or don’t need – at the moment.
That’s my take on it.
Fred Andersson is a Swedish author and television freelancer. His new book Homo Satanis 2: The Devil Made Me Do It! is available on Amazon.