The Problem of Control.
Mankind is fooled into the need of control. Who fooled them? It’s a long process of subtle (and very unsubtle!) brainwashing — part religion, part political ideologies. But most of all it’s themselves, in their eternal quest for what’s most comfortable to them at that very moment. It can be food, sex, power, money — things that’s basically short term highs, emotionally charged volcanos violently erupting sticky serotonins and endorphins.
Giving up freedom for control might feel safe at the time, but subconsciously the feeling of being helpless will grow and grow until the almost unexplainable frustration leads to anger, bitterness, sorrow — and from time to time, death. Freedom is a state of mind. We can all be free if we understand that all we see and experiences is a carefully/chaotic construction. It’s social structures built from an illusion, the illusion that we need someone who makes the rules and tells what to do.
A shift in the collective consciousness is painful, but no one ever said change comes through a piece of mind. Far from it actually. We all can recognize the feeling of having done someone ourselves, making a decision that turns into success — or a failure we might learn something from. The first shockwave of fiasco will turn into a calm sea breeze, as. wisdom sets in the aftermath.
Let’s see it like this: a uniformed person is just someone playing dress up. A law is just words written down by people thinking they know better. An opinion is only someone’s belief, and so is religion. The reason why this works as forms of control is that we believe in them, and do it with an uncritical mindset. Just by abandoning the belief and — to reference Robert Anton Wilson — to ignore “is” in our vocabulary regarding ruling ideologies of all sorts we can find an unprecedented freedom.
It’s not easy, but it’s possible.
Fred Andersson is a Swedish author and television freelancer. He lives in Märsta, together with husband, two cats and thousands of movies and books. His latest essay collections Homo Satanis and Homo Satanis 2 is available on Amazon.