Where the Monsters live.
I’ve been down in conspiracies recently and it’s all a mess. Not my own perception of it, but the community itself. There’s voices from everywhere, bringing up everything and connecting it to something; from UFO’s and assassinations, Illuminati and the New World Order (is that the same thing?), ancient astronauts, ultraterrestrials, cryptids, big pharma, flat, hollow and inner earth and so on. It’s a quite insane concept to merge with it, but also very fascinating to read and listen to. There’s so many smart people out there, with interesting ideas — but as the subject is so oversaturated with opinions and options, many of them just drowns in the the flooding.
“It’s all getting weirder!” as a colleague proclaimed the other day, after reading about the latest virus news, and the strangeness is getting higher, that’s for sure — at least from my own point of view. Stuff is happening nowadays that I never could imagine five, ten or twenty years ago — and I’ve come to the conclusion, without getting my tin foil hat on, that everything is possible at this the moment.
One specific conspiracy theory have come up several times recently. I’m not going to tell you which one, but it’s pretty out there to say the least. Yesterday I found myself thinking “yeah, it might be so… it might be true!” — at least on some level. Maybe not so saturated and over exaggerated as the conspiracy people out there claims — but there’s some truth in it (whatever truth is…), no smoke without fire and all that. In my eyes it works a bit like how you calculate how many marbles there is in a jar, you make a couple of hundred people guess the amount and then you take the median of that and the result will be very, very close to the number of marbles in the jar. Let’s do the same with 500 random opinions about a certain subject, somehow find the median in those and that’s probably as close to the truth as we can come.
Let me paraphrase a quote from Clive Barker’s masterpiece Nightbreed, and change one letter in the last word, Midian, the name of the underground city in the cemetery: “Everything is true. God’s an astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Median is where the monsters live.” It’s the place very everything is possible, no matter what you believe, and we’re all living in it now.
According to Terence McKenna’s Novelty Theory (aka Time Wave Theory) time flows in waves of habit and novelty, and as we’re more and more is exposed to novelties — the faster the time speeds, or the act of events make the time flows faster. What’s happening now is that we’re in a tidal wave of information, physical and psychological, and it’s growing faster and faster, and therefore even the most absurd things start to happen. We’re in the middle of it, and it’s important to stay on top of it and just let wave hit the shore.
But what is the shore, or as McKenna called it, the transcendental object at the end of time? What will meet us when the wave meets it climax? A system collapse is not as weird as it once was, but a collapsing society might not be something destructive — in the long run it will reset things, making everything zero again — without the constant flow of information things will calm down. When mankind have gotten rehabilitated from constant novelties a calm will come and with that peaceful minds.
Fred Andersson is a Swedish author and television freelancer. He lives in Märsta, together with husband, two cats and thousands of movies and books. His latest essay collections Homo Satanis and Homo Satanis 2 is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.